Holy crap, right? Sword Art Online: Literally THE ULTIMATE MMORPG of all time! The MMORPG of all MMORPGs. The Anime that is built entirely around the MMORPG world. How could we have missed this game for so long? It is – no joke – the be all and end all of MMORPGs as en entire genre. It should, in theory, be the greatest MMORPG of all time then, right? Wrong. Turns out Sword Art Online’s MMORPG is probably the worst MMORPG I’ve ever played. I’m not even kidding. It is beyond bad. It is terrible. The fact that I literally.. couldn’t do anything. A. Single. Thing. Was so bad.
I get having auto pathing or auto looting, but auto pathing, auto talking to NPCs, auto combat.. what is there that’s left to actually do? Like, for real, man?