So, we keep finding these MMORPG’s that we’ve never even heard of, and once again this is an MMORPG that’s no longer around. But I don’t actually know why as it seems like a god damn awesome game! It’s got gorgeous anime graphics, smooth combat, nice scenery, it doesn’t seem grindy (Yet), there’s not “really” an auto path system, I mean you can click the map and it takes you to that destination, but you still have to know “where” you want to go.
IRIS Online is definitely more fun than the other Anime MMORPG’s we’ve tried in the past, and I’m unsure why this died! Maybe it became P2W?
How do you all keep finding games that are no longer around: region and/or service wise?
The game is now called NoScrubs Iris online, it was shutydown from gpotato years ago and the NoScrubs team took created a private server and updated the game.