Greetings and salutations my lovely little Bytelings, my name is Wiggy, and today I’ll be talking about some unfortunate news regarding Bless Online.
So Bless is, as you probably already know, a pretty hyped fantasy MMORPG, with stunning visuals and a huge open world to explore, be it by flying, or by a land mount. Bless has had some heavy criticism floating around it for a little while, regarding
horrible optimization, it’s combat system being clunky and stiff, basically a bunch of reason, I’m not going to go over them all. But something you may not know is that Bless Online has been having a lot of trouble in the last few months as the
Russian servers had to close down do to the sheer lack of players actually playing the MMORPG. But the bad news doesn’t end here, as the Korean servers aren’t doing much better though; as they continue to merge servers together, just to keep play population up
at an “okay” level, but that’ll only last so long. So yeah Bless Online is headed down a very unstable path right now, and if that isn’t bad enough, that isn’t even all of the negative news I have for you guys today, unfortunately. Aeria Games the publisher who
was going to be bringing Bless Online to North America and The EU, who promised to revise the combat system in bless, have canceled there publishing deal with Neowiz games; which if you don’t know, it’s the company that created Bless. While this is very unfortunate
for those of you waiting for Bless Online to be released in the West. This bad news doesn’t necessarily mean that Bless Online won’t ever get picked up by another publisher, as this has happened to other MMORPGs in the past, however it does mean that it won’t
be coming to North America and EU anytime soon.. Which really sucks.
Bless Online still has a chance at succeeding, a small one granted.. but a chance never the less, as they are releasing the Japanese version of Bless. So hopefully it does a little better there then, the Russian and Korean servers did. They had also planned to
release Bless to the Chinese market as well, however it’s currently in limbo, as there’s been no news regarding it for.. a long while, so it’s safe to assume it’s not going to be released to the Chinese market.
I would like so say, I’m not exactly sure why Bless Online is doing so terrible, as I’ve seen way worse MMORPGs, with players still playing, having fun. While I know Bless has it’s flaws, and some people disliked the combat it generally seemed like
a fun and awesome MMORPG to sink your time into. But hey, that’s just my opinion on Bless, an unpopular opinion considering how many people are playing Bless Online.
Either way, let’s just hope Bless Online can get out of this, and eventually make it to the west! Just don’t get your hopes up..
Anyway, good day, night or afternoon wherever it is where you are, and I’ll see you guys in the next video!