Genshin Impact Release Date: PS4 Beta, PC Release, FAQ & Content Creator Program
For those of you interested in Genshin Impact – and let’s be real here.. you’re all interested in Genshin Impact – miHoYo have revealed additional information pertaining to the game.
If you weren’t already aware: miHoYo are holding their final Closed Beta test for Genshin Impact at the end of June, maybe the beginning of July, depending on how things end up going forward.
In light of this, they’ve opened up the application process for the upcoming RPG in anticipation of having lots of new players test out the remainder of features required before the game officially launches.
Go ahead and click the button below to be taken to our guide on how to register for the final Genshin Impact Closed Beta. Otherwise, continue reading on.
On May 28th, it was revealed on the miHoYo forums that the team behind the game were reactivating the “Content Creator Program” in a new “2.0” form.
If you’re chosen, you’ll gain access to the final Closed Beta, receive in-game benefits, official merchandise, and have the Content Creator role bestowed upon you on the official forum and Discord.
To apply, you need to fulfill one of these roles:

【Content Creator Types】
1. Artist:produce high-quality illustrations and fan arts
2. Writers/Editors:compose/edit game guides and wiki
3. Media:make game screenshots and related media
4. Indie Game Developer:create and develop mini-games
5. Streamer:stream the game, those with previous experience preferred
6. Video Editor/YouTuber: create videos such as MAD and short videos; make walk-through or game guide type of videos(Content Creator experienced in guides/tips and tricks videos on the PS4 preferred!)
(please attach links to your previous works in your application!)
To apply for the Closed Beta, you’re required to submit several types of information, including proof that you are who you say you are. This is to dissuade people from impersonating you. You can find out exactly what is required, including the official email you need to send your application to by visiting the miHoYo website.
Do note that there are a limited number of spots open for this, and as such I’m sure they’re going to aim to acquire content creators and influencers with the largest possible pull.
Mrs Stix and I got accepted within a few hours, so clearly they’re not concerned with quality content creators (haha!)
Additionally, miHoYo posted an official FAQ on their website that went over quite a few topics. Allow me to briefly summarize. To apply for the final Closed Beta, use the button above. You’ll need to resubmit your application even if you’ve applied in the past as there are different requirements behind each Beta. There are a number of factors behind who gets accepted: time of registration, how complete your registration information is, system specifications, and how honest you were in the registration process. Yes, honesty is apparently going to be a factor somehow. They also plan on giving keys away via their Facebook page, Youtube channel, forum and Discord. The Closed Beta has an unconfirmed duration. Depending on the progress players make, the Beta might last less than 2 weeks or more than a month. If you’re selected to participate, you’ll receive an email from the official miHoYo domain. After the final Closed Beta is over, all progress will be wiped. The game will feature 10 different languages, including: Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English, Korean, Japanese, Spanish, French, Russian, Vietnamese and Thai, and 4 dubs: Chinese, Japanese, Korean and English. The game will be releasing onto Android devices, iOS devices, PC, and Playstation 4 and Playstation 4 Pro. There is no confirmed Switch or Xbox release planned. The game will not feature any form of monetization in the final Beta test. Finally, you’re more than welcome to not only stream, but also record and post any and all content pertaining to the game that you want.
Genshin Impact Release Date
What is the official release date for Genshin Impact? Genshin Impact is expected to release in Q4 2020. Depending on how the final Closed Beta goes, they may or may not be able to stick to that schedule.
I am a content creator for YouTube. I love to play games love to make content. Would love the opportunity to play and create awesome content and live stream for games. I would love to be chosen for this game. I also love to draw concept art. Check out some on my Instagram Cosomixtv.
fuck this game. Chinese Zelda Copy.
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