With Stiximus being at the gym, pumping some iron, as it took us forever to fix Twilight Spirits and it was getting later, I decided to record Fantasy Tales Online solo.. singing ~~All byyy myyy selfff~~ Okay.. I wasn’t singing, but I did play Fantasy Tale!
To be honest, I just saw sprite graphics and it was an MMO, so I just downloaded it #YOLO and all that.
Did I enjoy playing it? Yes I did! It really reals like an older RPG game, but with less of a focus on a “main” story, and more on side quests.
However the combat was; and I’ll be honest here, it was pretty bad. At first I thought I had to click the monsters in order to attack.. but that was not the case. Running next to a monster auto attacks it, so you’re only required to use your skills, and I only had one on a 3 second CD.. so not much was required on my part.
This is a fun MMORPG (Or since I didn’t see anyone, RPG) if it looks like something you’re interested in, go ahead and download it from steam, it’s really small in size.
Good for people with slow internet!