Heya guys, my name is Wiggy, and today let’s talk about the Aion 5.3 update.
So, what did the update do? Well they’ve added 2 new instances, one for Elyos, and one for the Asmodions called “Dredgion Defense Sanctum, and Dredgion Defense Pandaemonium”
So, you’re probably thinking, “what exactly do you have to do in these Defense instances?” Well, these instances happen at a set schedule, and can hold up to 384 members..
which is a hell of a lot people in one map at a time.. and awfully specific number if I might add.. but I digress. Once inside said instances it is your duty to collect as many points as possible
by defeating the invading monsters. Which will require a lot of team work, as you work to defend your city from dredgion flagships and last and most importantly; looking like a total badass while doing it.
Once you’ve successfully defended your city, all players within the instance will receive rewards, in the form of materials, and new equipment.
Moving onto the new Arena! Called Arena of Tenacity.. whew, that sounds exhausting.
So what does this new arena entail? To start off it’s a Archedaeva exclusive arena, that holds up to 32 players of either race, even Shugo’s are allowed.. okay, okay maybe not Shugo’s.
Once inside you will be fighting in a 1v1 death match, if you win, you get to proceed to the next match, however if you lose, you’re kicked from the arena, in shame getting called “newb”,
from the fellow players spectating your match. Fun times.
Good news is though, you’ve got two tries to beat your opponent, unless you in the finals, in which case you’ve got three. However if the time runs out, and you draw, you’ll enter a two minute
“sudden death” round. Annnd if you’re still somehow a draw after that, then who ever dealt more damage in sudden death round wins!
Now, onto the Abyss changes!
The Upper and Lower Abyss has been altered and the general size of the map has been reduced. I wonder if it’s to save young in-experienced daeva’s from falling to there un
timely death? We’ll never know for sure..
But anyway back on track, The Sieges in Kaldor and the abyss have been changed, now both sides can attack, however you can no longer defend the sieges. Players nearby when a siege begins are given
the option to join a “Coalition” which is a new way of grouping. The “Coalition” leaders are given a commander skills, which vary depending on the rank of said leader and size of the coalition.
As mentioned ealry the general size of the Abyss has gotten smaller, and as such they’ve removed area’s and quests ; for instance the Inggison and Gelkmaros sieges and all related quests and content are removed from the game.
These are just some of the many changes from Aion’s 5.3 update. No doubt some of these updates have frustrated Aion fans, however it has for the moment, breathed a little more life into an aging game.
But I’d love to know what you guys think! is Aion’s 5.3 update good? great? bad? What do you think they could have done to make it better? Or why you think it’s bad.
Thank you for watching and I’ll see you guys in the next video!