So, we continued our journey through DC Universe Online, and this time.. we actually accomplished stuff!! *cheers*
First, Stix and I got lost in Gotham City as we were trying to find our way to a night club.. who knew DC Universe could be so large? Not us, clearly.
Second, we took on Bane’s gang of thugs, as per the request of Joker, to destroy the Venom they were bringing into the city.. It’s strange when bad guys do good things..
Third, Stix and I decided to partake in a race to see ONCE and for all.. who was the better speedster..
and.. lastly, we fought against an army of Amazonian warriors in a destroyed train station in Metropolis, I wonder if we’ll see Superman?!
All in all it was a pretty eventful day for the two of us. You never know what’s going to happen next in DC Universe Online.