Greetings and salutations my lovely little Bytelings my name is Wiggy and today I’ll be talking about Blade and Soul, more specifically its console release!
So very resonantly NCsoft revealed it’s 2017 Q2 earnings, showing off the earning from there PC games like, Blade and Soul,
Lineage, Aion, etc. To their earnings from their phone MMORPG Lineage 2: Revolution. But NCsofts earnings aren’t what was interesting about this conference, it was the fact that when NCsoft was asked about Blade and Soul, they confirmed that Blade and Souls does in fact have a console version is in development and should be ready by 2018, no specific month was given but either way, this is great news! As I know there’s a lot of you that’d love to play Blade and Soul on the console. NCsoft didn’t confirm if Blade and Souls console release would be playable on both Xbox one, and PS4, or if it’ll be exclusive to one of them, so we’ll have to see in the coming months, if they update us.
A quick heads up, if you’re interested, NCsoft’s other mobile games like Aion Legions, Lineage Eternal, and Blade and Soul Mobile are also, all set to be released in early 2018, once again though, no actual date was set but, it’s another thing to look forward too in 2018!